Our first CALL TO ACTION was to raise awareness and funds
for finding a cure for Breast Cancer.
All BA students in grades 9-12, along with faculty and staff members, participated in the annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk-a-thon on October 6. Our President, Sr. Germaine Fritz,OSB, Principal, Mr. Ken Jennings, and Luisa Rodrigues, Business Manager and Portuguese Club Moderator, led the way in giving witness to stand up for a cure for Breast Cancer.
A sea of walkers dressed in sneakers, jeans and BA shirts, complimented by pink accessories symbolic of breast cancer awareness, easily made the three-mile trek through the Westminster section of Elizabeth and Hillside. $3000 was raised and will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for research purposes. Additional monies are still coming in and will be counted. event was sponsored by the Academy's Portuguese Club.
Why did the entire school walk? There is not one family in our school, in our community, in the entire United States, who has not been affected directly or indirectly by this disease. Mother, Sister, Aunt, Grandmother, Friend, or Neighbor. At Benedictine Academy, we believe that religion and science together can produce a cure for cancer. More prayer, more power.... little prayer, little power.... no prayer, no power. In addition to walking for our brothers and sisters, we have been praying the rosary every day for the healing of all those affected by cancer. Together we can and will make a difference.