This Friday, we will be announcing the winner of our first Students In Action Jefferson Award.
The following nominees are students who have
been recognized by their peers/teachers for taking the initiative to make our world a better place. They are our unsung heroes who have volunteered their services in a quiet, yet significant way.

Cynthia has given countless hours in the tutoring of ESL students and the handling of students with difficult behaviors at Hillside Parish. She is also the President of their
CYO Youth Group.

Barbara has formed a new group called Erica’s Bracelets. Together with her friend, they have made over 35 bracelets for people with cancer. She has now enlisted the aid of several of her classmates to join them in their efforts to bring comfort to both patients in hospitals and in their homes.

Krystal has a strong desire to help little children. She volunteers during her free time at the Day Street Day Care facility to tutor young children.

Jennifer spent hours upon hours to help coordinate the BA Breast Cancer Walk and personally raised over $200. in donations. This is only one of the many ways Jennifer tries to help those in need.
Deazah enjoys working with young children. She spends much of her free time helping others at the
Rahway Hospital and the Agape Youth Worship Center.

Martha dedicates several hours each week at her local parish. She assists in the
CCD Program and works with the younger children at the Youth Center.

Stefanie is the Leader of the Operation Write-Home Club. She and her classmates wrote hero letters and made over 50 cards to send to our troops overseas.
Chisom has spent much of her free time volunteering at
Trinitas Hospital and
UMDJ. Her goal is to help alleviate suffering by the touch of a helping, caring hand and a warm heart.

Ariana is the leader of the Peace & Justice Club and an active member of the national DO SOMETHING CLUB. She organized the peanut butter & jelly drive that made over 195 sandwiches to feed the homeless and has a passion to help those in need.
Angelin performs weekly voluntary service at the
Irvington Public Library by helping young children, between the ages of
pre-k to third grade, to read and write.

. Eunice enjoys making kids days brighter with her smile. She worked at a camp over the summer and is a quiet presence around the community, in and out of school, giving a helping hand whenever it is needed.