Friday, February 18, 2011


Greetings. We have so many exciting events scheduled for next month that we thought we would give you a sneak preview:
  1. March 8: The SHAC SQUAD (Students Helping All Children) are heading to the UN to meet with the Office of Drug and Crime regarding their efforts to stop Human Trafficking.

  1. March 16: The next Student In Action award winners will be recognized. This month we will be awarding an amazing group team (H.UH.!) and an outstanding member of our local community.
  2. March 16: A busy day as the SHAC SQUAD heads for Good Shepherd Academy in the afternoon to share with the 6,7,8 graders their current projects and the importance of helping others.
  3. March 30: Ms. Karen Hatcher, our Regional Director of SIA, will be giving a short presentation on Jefferson Awards Student In Action Program to all the High School Campus Ministers in the Newark Archdiocese. This is in follow-up to Mr. Ken Jennings recent presentation to all the High School Principals in the diocese.
  4. April 1,2,3: Four Student In Action Leadership members shall be heading to the Leadership Conference in Cinc.. Thank you Jefferson Award Student In Action for this exciting opportunity.
  5. April 5: Regional Competition for Jefferson Award Student In Action Award.
  6. April 8: Speaking engagement at Pro-Life Rally at Seton Hall University to over 800 high school students regarding Jefferson Award Students In Action Program and the importance of volunteer service leadership.

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